City Students Explore Glasgow's Urban Development with Urban Union

City students from the Foundation Apprenticeship course recently ventured into Glasgow's urban landscape, visiting the Urban Union site at the former Skills Academy site on Norfolk Street. Led by Kirsty Parry and the site manager, the trip aimed to provide a hands-on understanding of construction and development.

Beginning with a thorough site induction, safety was paramount as students geared up for their tour of the live site. From structures in various stages of development to the final touches, they witnessed the evolution of urban architecture first-hand.

Throughout the tour, Kirsty and the site manager shared insights into each stage of construction, fostering an interactive learning environment where students could ask questions and delve deeper into the process.

More than just a field trip, the experience highlighted the partnership between Built Environment and Urban Union in nurturing the next generation of skilled workers. As students departed, they carried with them not just knowledge, but also a newfound passion for shaping Glasgow's urban future. City Lecturer Phil Inglis remarked:

"As part of the Foundation Apprenticeship course, students from the Friday AM class visited the Urban Union site at the former Skills Academy site on Norfolk Street, Glasgow. After taking part in the site induction, students were given a tour of the live site.

They experienced dwellings in various stages of development and were hosted by Kirsty and the site manager who gave the students a breakdown of each stage, allowing for questions throughout the process.

It was both a meaningful and worthwhile experience, which is part of Built Environment and Urban Unions' partnership commitment to developing the young workforce."