Short Courses (TUEC)

Four people sitting at a desk looking toward something off camera.

Short Course Programme


Risk Assessment

This course is suitable for safety representatives and other representatives with a health and safety function in the workplace. The course reviews the legal requirements on employers to carry out risk assessments under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (updated 1999), and the role of trade union appointed safety representatives in the risk assessment process. The course also covers TUC and trade union policies in relation to risk assessment, and key skills such as risk rating and problem solving.

Accident, Investigating & Reporting

This course is designed to give representatives accident investigations skills to effectively carry out their role and function in the workplace. The course investigates definitions off accidents and near misses, what to do at an accident site visit, interview skills, report writing skills and how to build an accident investigation toolkit. The course also explores accident and near miss reporting procedures and practices.

Trade Unions and Mental Health Awareness

This course is designed to help representatives develop a better understanding of mental health in general, and will cover: • A better understanding of work-related mental health issues • A better understanding of Disability Discrimination Law and how it applies to people with mental health issues • Case studies, role play and practical skills to deal with mental health related issues • Action planning to work with members and employers to develop a strategy for mental Health issues. 

Bullying & Harassment

With many surveys now showing that two out of every five people employed suffer as a result of bullying and harassment in the workplace this course is designed to support representatives with an effective strategy for dealing with the problem. It looks at how bullying and harassment in the workplace has developed and will help representatives to have a greater awareness and understanding of what constitutes bullying and harassment, its effects on the individual and the organisation and the health and safety implications.

Menopause in the Workplace

This two-day course has been designed for trade union reps and aims to create greater awareness of the menopause as a workplace issue. The course is for all union reps and aims to create awareness of menopause and the symptoms women can experience, help reps consider various workplace factors that may negatively impact on workers experiencing menopause, consider practices and environments with the workplace that may put the health and safety of menopausal women at risk and/or may be considered discrimination against workers experiencing the menopause and consider best practice for workplaces and unions to tackle the workplace issues facing workers experiencing the menopause.

Covid and a Return to the Workplace

This new course is designed for all workplace representatives who are active in the workplace. It is clear that the COVID pandemic has had a massive impact on workplaces, workers rights and mental health. This course is designed to access the impact of the pandemic as workplaces reopen, it will outline the legislative protections and how these can be employed in the workplace to assist with the return to work process.

Trade Unions & the Scottish Fair Work Framework

This new course is focused around the Scottish Fair Work Framework and is target at both safety and workplace representatives. This course explores the key principles of the Framework looking at how these map across to the workplace. The course will also allow representatives to consider how this mapping can be used to improve workplace representation and organising within workplaces and trade union organising.

Trade Unions & the Environment

Glasgow is set to host the COP 26 Climate Change Conference, this course is targeted at workplace health and safety representatives. The course will explore the key trade union concerns around environmental issues and explore the different ways that trade unions can organise and deploy around environmental issues at the workplace and global level.

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