Quiet Reflection
The quiet reflection room is a place for quiet reflection, prayer and meditation for people of all faiths or none. Here are a few things to remember:
- Please respect other users and leave the space as you found it
- If you have any issues, please speak to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team.
You'll find The Quiet Reflection Room at the following locations:
City Campus
- Level 2, behind Reception (adjacent to the Allan Glen’s Place entrance)Â
Riverside Campus
- Main Building, Ground Floor (adjacent to lifts and opposite the Students' Association)
Download a copy of our Spiritual Welfare leaflet.
What is the chaplaincy service?
Our Chaplaincy team supports the diverse spiritual needs of CoGC students and staff and help celebrate various dates throughout the year. We have representatives from a range of faith communities, including the Humanist Society.
Why would you get in touch?
As a relatively new service, the team are keen to engage with CoGC students and staff. They can provide a listening ear and give support during difficult times. This is provided in a confidential and informal way. Chaplains can help with questions of values and identity.Â
Why do chaplains volunteer at CoGC?
Chaplains recognise that we have spiritual needs, as well as educational and social ones when studying or working. They hope to assist our community with our various journeys.Â
How can you get in touch?
You can contact the chaplaincy by emailing:
Alternatively, you can contact any of the Spiritual Care Team below:
We also have strong links with Glasgow Central Mosque which is very close to our Riverside campus. If you would like to find out more, please contact Habib Rauf, Email: habib.rauf@hotmail.co.uk, Tel: 07826850714.

Rev. Alastair S. Duncan (Church of Scotland)
Alastair is one of the Christian chaplains on the team and is the minister at St George’s Tron Church of Scotland in Buchanan Street/Nelson Mandela Place next to Buchanan Street Subway station. He is married with three grown-up children (one of them a CoGC former student) and in his spare time (ha!) he enjoys films, music and city life. Contact:- stgeorgestroncofs@gmail.com

Father Gareth Thomas (Roman Catholic Chaplaincy)
Hello my name is Gareth Thomas I am a Catholic Priest who belongs to a Religious Congregation in the Catholic Church called the Passionists. I am from Wales and I am delighted to be here in Scotland and at City of Glasgow College, and I love chocolate! Contact -Â gareththomasgbl@hotmail.co.uk

Claire Digance (Humanist)
Claire is the Humanist Chaplain for the college and a registered Humanist Celebrant with Humanist Society Scotland. When not at the College, Claire conducts Humanist funerals, namings and wedding ceremonies all over Scotland. Contact:- claire.digance@humanism.scot

Rev. Stephen Prem (Sailors' Society)
Stephen started his career as a Marine Engineer (Sailor) and is now the Pastor at a Church in the Gorbals. He is married and has two children. Contact:- thiaphy@gmail.com

Rev. Kenny Boyd (Free Church of Scotland)
Kenny is one of the Christian chaplains on the team and is the minister at Govanhill Free Church on the Southside of Glasgow (see www.govanhillfreechurch.org) He is married (his wife works at COGC) and loves football, history and travelling in Italy (when he can!). Contact:-Â boydk1888@gmail.com

Becky Haldane (Sailor’s Society)
Becky works for Sailors’ Society and is an ordained Elim minister. She is one of the Christian chaplains, but is here it help students of any faith and none, particularly those studying in the Faculty of Nautical Studies. In her spare time Becky does Krav Maga, and plays with her cat Sophia. Contact:- RHaldane@sailors-society.org
Deacon Joe O'Donnell (Senior Port Chaplain for Stella Maris)
Joe is the senior port chaplain in Scotland for Stella Maris and serves seafarers daily. He is one of the Christian chaplains at the college who is here to support students of any faith and none. In his spare time Deacon Joe's hobbies are swimming and cycling. Contact:- josephodonnell@stellamarismail.org

Darren Jackson (Navigators)
Darren is a trained psychotherapist who works with the Navigators, a charity which seeks to help students of all backgrounds explore and ask questions of life and faith. He is a member of St Silas Church in Glasgow’s West End. Contact:- darren.jackson@navigators.co.uk
Any questions? Please call our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion team on 0141 375 5464 / 5402, or email us at:
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